Sunday, October 07, 2007

Tagged: Eight Random Things

I've been tagged by the lovely alicia sometimes with a new meme, which requires me to tell you eight random things about myself, then tag 8 other bloggers. Accordingly:

  • A self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh painted in 1887, in the form of a postcard I purchased at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, is peering down at me from the top of my clutered desk. When I saw the original, I had just smoked my first joint in over a year, and while gazing into the painter's intense eyes, became quite convinced that, like Vincent, I would end up going mad. Not suprisingly, I almost never smoke pot any more.
  • My flatmate, who no longer maintains his blog, is working in the loungeroom and watching/listening to a live gig by Morrissey on DVD: we just heard 'First of the Gang to Die'.
  • On a related note, I'm both proud and abashed to say that I own a UK first edition of Jack Kerouac's On The Road, published in 1958. It set me back several hundred dollars; were in the American first edition, it would have cost me several thousand dollars.
  • My first boyfriend's name was Tim: we met at the Sarah Sands Hotel, during my serious young goth phase. Around that time I went to the beach with a group of friends, and while they splashed about and cavorted in the sun, I sat under a black umbrella, dressed in black from head to toe, probably labouring under the illusion that I looked fey and outre, as opposed to a bit of a dickhead.
  • In primary school, my favourite colour was green.
  • Our cats, when I was a teenager, were called Marmeduke, Fred and Fluffy-Bum, the latter named after the cat in a children's book by the late, lamented Spike Milligan.
  • I almost never remember my dreams.

Now I tag D-U-P, Yarraville Paul, Born Dancin', Stop the World Mummy I Want To Get Off, Path of Most Resistance, A Wild Young Under-Whimsy, The Melburnian, and Dole Diary.

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